"...to discover what it is to be human now, is the reason we follow this star..."

— W.H. Auden

"...to discover what it is to be human now, is the reason we follow this star..."

— W.H. Auden

"...to discover what it is to be human now, is the reason we follow this star..."

— W.H. Auden

Otherweis Limited was formed in 1974 as an umbrella for their various art activities including their studio work in painting, drawing, printmaking, fibers, handmade paper and installation as well as their work as artist-educators. With graduate training at American University and George Washington University as a foundation they have exhibited and taught in many locations throughout the United States and abroad. Richard is a Green Mountain College Professor Emeritus of Art.

Before retirement Nancy was a longtime employee of the Community College of Vermont and adjunct art instructor in the Vermont State College system. Both Richard and Nancy were awarded the David Lloyd Kreeger Award in their respective graduate schools, Richard in painting at American University, and Nancy in print making at George washington University. Richard worked in South Korea as a Fulbright Scholar in 2003 and as a Fulbright Senior Specialist in 2010.

Paintings • Drawings • Woodwork

Richard Weis has had a long career as an artist/teacher beginning in the 1960s in Bemidji Minnesota.  Teaching opportunities and advanced study led him to Wisconsin, Oregon, Northern Virginia/Washington  D.C. , Ohio, Indiana, and eventually to Vermont. He joined the faculty of Green Mountain College in 1989 and worked there until retiring from full time teaching in 2010.

Nancy Pulliam Weis

Paper Works • Encaustic • Installations

My paper assemblages are based on visual and conceptual ideas drawn from archaeology and anthropology. The work does not intend to be read literally or to explore any particular culture, but rather to look at anthropology and archaeology as metaphors for the discovery and recovery of inner meaning.